Romsey Primary School and Nursery


Mathematics is, in its own way, the poetry of logical ideas. 

Albert Einstein 

Why maths?


Maths intent


Key maths knowledge and skills


How maths is taught

In Maths, we teach fluency in skills alongside opportunities for the children to problem solve, reason and explain their thinking. We draw upon materials from the White Rose and NCETM schemes to create units of work. Maths learning journeys begin with a review of the learning from the previous year and enable the children to demonstrate what they have learned at the end. We use a wide range of concrete resources to develop a good understanding of mathematical concepts before moving on to pictorial and abstract representations. 

Maths overview

Year 1

Year 1 Maths Phase 1Year 1 Maths Phase 2Year 1 Maths Phase 3

Year 2

Year 2 Maths Phase 1Year 2 Maths Phase 2Year 2 Maths Phase 3

Year 3

Year 3 Maths Phase 1

Year 3 Maths Phase 2

Year 3 Maths Phase 3

Year 4

Year 4 Maths Phase 1

Year 4 Maths Phase 2

Year 4 Maths Phase 3

Year 5/6

Y5_6 Maths Phase Planning